Getting a deep tissue massage is not just getting a Swedish massage with deeper strokes or more pressure. During a deep tissue massage, firm pressure and slow strokes are used to massage the muscles and connective tissue that surround your muscles.
Hypnotherapy works on the unconscious mind. Change patterns of thought and self-perceptions are an effective tool for building confidence and overcoming negative patterns.
Mindfulness with Acupuncture & Buteyko
Elevate your respiratory wellness with Acubreathing- Acupuncture's transformative 'Mindfulness with Acupuncture & Buteyko' service. Located in the vibrant heart of Liverpool, our program is not only backed by over 18 class-B studies showcasing a …
Originated in Japan, Reiki is an energy-based method of treatment designed to relieve conditions and promote healing. The healer uses his or her hands to activate the person's life force energy and kickstart its flow, solving energy blockages that …
Japanese Massage (Shiatzu) or Thai Massage
Shiatsu is a type of Japanese bodywork that uses ideas from traditional Chinese medicine. Tokujiro Namikoshi made shiatsu popular in the 20th century. It comes from an older Japanese massage method called anma.
Reverse Pediatric Asthma
Reverse Pediatric Asthma means that almost all (if not all) of the symptoms are completely reversible through treatment and closely following. I can help with therapies that will provide a better chance of improvement.